Sustainable Growth Patterns
| hansnator
Letzter Login: 06.01.2022
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This Wikifolio invests in companies with sustainable growth patterns only. Those enterprises must stand up to scrutiny during the whole investment period. If a company in the portfolio does not fullfill the high standard of sustainable growth anymore, it will be sold as soon as technical analysis will give the sign to sell best. Main focus will be the German speaking area, mostly Austria. Investment period of the companies will be up to 10 years, unless technical analysis gives a sign to sell profitably earlier. Criteria for those companies need to fullfill most of the following: mostly one of the three world market leaders or number one in Europe, very often family businesses, high export ratio, superior quality of goods, very often active in niche markets, high employee satisfaction, many FDIs, good customer relationship, higher product/service price than competitors, high R&D expenditures, high equity ratio, strong brands, steady growth rate,... It is possible that trades will not be done within several month because the portfolio's strength is a long term perspective and not a short-term one. Only shares/stocks are part of the portfolio and hedging will not be done in case of a crisis. Sources used to find out investments are: job advertisments, websites of companies, quarterly/annual reports, brochures, magazines, projects.
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