The first steps to successful investing
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Register nowStep 1: Discover wikifolios
On wikifolio.com you can choose from over 9,000 trading ideas from wikifolio traders. Use the search function and easily find wikifolios that match your search criteria.

Step 2: Save favorites
As a registered user you can save your personal favorites on your watchlist. This way you can not only quickly find them, but also keep track of their performance.

Step 3: Compare wikifolios
On your watchlist, you can compare and sort all saved wikifolios individually according to over 30 key figures with just a few clicks.

Step 4: Stay up to date
You also receive real-time information on all wikifolios on your watchlist in your personal feed. This way, you will always know immediately when the wikifolio trader publishes a new comment or reaches a new annual high with his wikifolio, for example.

Your advantages with wikifolio

Access to all information
Individual securities in the model portfolios, trades in real time & comments from wikifolio traders.

Over 9,000 trading ideas to choose from
Find the right approach for your needs.

Directly via your bank
You can invest easily via your bank or online broker.

Always up to date
Extensive financial know-how with comments and opinions from wikifolio traders in the feed.