FI Familien-Werte Value GARP
| JFInvest
Last Login: 12/22/2024
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Trading Idea
This investment strategy is to be based on the value idea according to Benjamin Graham. The companies should also have a certain growth. Favourable growth is to be looked for. (GARP, growth at a reasonable price) The companies are to be family-run companies, preferably from the US and Europe. Securities from other regions, e.g. Asia, can be admixed. Other criteria are to be: * Low price-earnings ratio (possibly based on normalized profits) * Dividend (not mandatory) * low KBV (price-book value ratio) * high equity ratio * increasing profits * high ROA (Return on Assets) Stock funds that appear promising may be added as well. If no seemingly advantageous stocks can be found, one may resort to money market funds or buy bond funds or increase the cash rate. I am pursuing this strategy because I expect excess returns compared to the broad stock market. The Internet, newspapers, screeners, etc. are to be used for my information. I intend to hold the securities for more than 5 years if the situation does not deteriorate and I cannot find any better opportunities.
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