Portfolio chart
Trading Idea
TOP GLOBAL METAL & MINING OUTPERFORMER STAR WITH OVERLAY PORTFOLIO PROTECTION CONCEPT Trading idea: The trading idea is based on the investment in, in our opinion, TOP outperformer stock assets in the “Metal & mining stocks” index, which should all be equally weighted at the beginning. In the medium term (between about 2 and 3 years), this should add value to an investment in the “Metal & Mining” index. It is furthermore intended to implement an overlay capital preservation concept. The cornerstones of the trading idea: Using the technically quantitative outperformer momentum analysis, incorrect investments in, in our view, non-performing stocks are to be systematically avoided so that the investment means primarily flow into, in our view, performing stocks. The analysis is to be carried out on a rolling basis during the year which should lead to a change in the portfolio. In order to hedge in case of a violation of the uptrend in Global Metal & Mining Index, it is envisaged that investments would be made in a short on available metal & mining ETFs/ETCs, such as gold and/or copper, e.g. from the issuer Booster (classical overlay value maintenance). The funds for this purpose would be invested in a simple gold or copper ETF/ETC during a positive market phase. Which securities of the wikifolio.com investment universe are you planning to trade: The aforementioned analysis of the TOP outperformer momentum stocks would exclusively refer to stocks from the global market index in the wikifolio “TOP GLOBAL METAL & MINING OUTPERFORMER STAR”: “Global Metal & Mining” and could contain up to about 30% of the index securities. Depending on the ETFs/ETCs available for the overlay value maintenance, up to about 100% could be invested in these stocks (e.g. 50% investments in outperformer stocks + 50% investments in a simple short gold and/or copper ETF/ETC or in another weighting ratio with intended equivalent effect). Based on which criteria is the trading done? One would invest in the analyzed TOP PERFORMER momentum stocks according to a buy and hold strategy until the following review which should be planned for on a rolling basis. The ETFs/ETCs for the overlay value protection concept would be invested pursuant to a trend-following approach. How long are the securities held on average: That would depend on the rolling review of the determined stock, presumably, however, 6 months max. With ETFs/ETCs, a dependency on the course of trend monitoring would exist. Which sources are used for the decision making: Thomson Reuters Eikon would be the data supplier; the chart and self-enhanced trading software on which the analysis program is installed would be Tradesignal.
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