Portfolio chart
Trading Idea
1. My strategy is dividend-centric. My goal is to receive a substantial portion of my total returns through dividends, as opposed to selling stocks in order to realize gains. 2. I invest worldwide, in particular in developed countries, only considering companies I have a very high conviction of that they will still be around in 40 years. Therefore, I stay away from tech stocks (Nokia, Kodak, etc.). I invest in firms creating products that don't have to be changed all the time. 3. I only invest in companies that 'do good', have great management teams with proper values. No weapons! No fossil-fuels! No sin stocks. No tobacco, etc.! 4. I understand that the ‘human side is the greatest enemy of the average investor’. Fidelity’s best-performing accounts are those people literally forgot their passwords for, or died. The biggest enemy of the 8th Wonder of the Word "sits between your ears". Worst investing wounds are self-inflicted. 5. I plan to 'never sell' any of my Dividend Kings. What I can do is to allocate dividends as I see fit. 6. I unconditionally stick to my plan. I will be extremely disciplined, as the saying goes “die grössten Gewinne werden mit dem Arsch gemacht”.
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