Long term pump
| LeclercLudovic
Last Login: 09/02/2023
Portfolio chart
Trading Idea
With this wikifolio, I am aiming for stable middle-term growth which should be achieved by investing primarily in stocks listed on European or US markets, but some ETFs or funds are still possible. The selection of securities is considered by combining two recognized investment methodologies: chartist analysis (trend following, positive MACD, encouraging RSI, breakout, etc.) and fundamental analysis (debt, PER, cash flow). Indeed, the choices should be made according to criteria of around 80% based on fundamental analyzes in the search for “Value” investment and 20% technical analyzes on middle-term trends. In such a way that a share fulfilling the fundamental criteria will have to wait until the technical criteria are validated before integrating the wikifolio. The objective is a double-digit average annual return, taking advantage of the “Value recovery” of the stocks selected but also of their dividends. Dividends are only taken into account if they also occur in the wikifolio. In order to limit the risk, in my opinion, it would be necessary to spread out over different sectors and different countries, and risk management techniques such as the observation of middle-term trend reversals or via the purchase of products taking advantage of the market decline, to stabilize investment. It is indeed necessary to try to manage the events which can impact the values. The holding period for titles in the wikifolio should normally be several months, but some hedging strategies can be used in the short term. The average holding period should therefore be more in the short to medium-term range.
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