Huber Long Term Value Growth
| Mattmagic
Last Login: 10/19/2022
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Trading Idea
The wikifolio Huber Long Term Value Growth is to invest globally in stocks with upside potential. For this purpose, this wikifolio is to pursue two different investment strategies. On the one hand, investments are to be made in equities which can already demonstrate an in my opinion above-average performance over the past two years. Further, the assets should be able to offer further upside potential for the future. On the other hand, investments are to be made in equities which, in my opinion, have underperformed in the past two years but which could exhibit an above-average performance in the future. The wikifolio is primarily to invest in the regions Europe and North America, with a small proportion in Asia. This wikifolio is to invest mainly in equities. ETFs and fund products may also be invested in. Investments are primarily to be for the long term.
This is a non-binding translation of wikifolio.
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