Portfolio chart
Trading Idea
Based on my strong belief that technology should serve first and foremost humanity this wikifolio targets investment for innovation-led growth and societal progression. Initial focus will be set on following areas: - Digital Payments (including leveraging DLT employment for digital assets) - Energy (Incl. Renewables, distributed energy generation and green hydrogen) - Technology & Innovation (Key and deep technologies, currently being AI, VR, autonomous systems, data analytics) - Strong Consumer Brands (with high sustainability and climate protection acumen) - Health (based on selected treatment and research areas along mental health and longevity and incl. digital solutions) - Biotech - Consumer Goods - Utilities & Infrastructure This wikifolio will have a mid- to long term orientation related to investments in disruptive technologies. Performance will be partly achieved with „buying the dips“ in volatile and cyclical investment opportunities. Solid income is planned by a few utilities and infra companies with consistent dividend yields.
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