Dividends and Ressources
| DrBestInvest
Last Login: 12/20/2024
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Trading Idea
Dividend stocks and commodities are considered low-risk and reliable investments for long-term capital preservation and growth. These fundamentally sound stocks of established companies often outperform other asset classes, especially during crises. Investing in commodities also offers protection against inflation. Continuous dividends support this strategy. The primary focus will be on strong dividend stocks. High dividends are paid not only in the prioritized commodity sector but also in other sectors such as energy and consumer staples. Diversification across sectors is aimed at minimizing risk. There will also be diversification across countries and currency zones to minimize political risks. Withholding taxes should be avoided. A long-term allocation of capital across slightly more than 10 positions is targeted to achieve low volatility in the otherwise focused portfolio. Since the price developments of the chosen investments usually depend on medium- to long-term economic trends, a similar holding period is generally aimed for. Investments will be made in fundamentally sound and financially healthy companies. The criteria for this assessment may include the fulfillment of several of the following conditions: Equity ratio > 30%, Positive cash flow, Price-to-book ratio around 1, Price-to-earnings ratio under 20, Dividend yield over 4%, Operating income > dividends. Exceptions to the above trading principles should not bind more than 20% of the portfolio capital in the long term. This portion can be allocated to investments with disproportionately high short- to medium-term price expectations. In addition to fundamental data, technical indicators and market outlooks will be increasingly considered.
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