Werte durch Aktienrückkäufe
| FraSee
Last Login: 12/21/2024
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Trading Idea
The portfolio “value through stock buybacks” should essentially invest in stocks with sound cash flows and also use these for stock buybacks. Stock buybacks are a particularly interesting variant with which one can create value for shareholders. The number of outstanding stocks is reduced through stock buybacks. With a stable business, the profit thereby increases ceteris paribus for each stock. In the case of rising corporate profits, stock buybacks may have an exposing effect. The portfolio “value through stock buybacks” should invest in companies that have successfully implemented regular stock buybacks in the past. IBM, McDonalds, Coca Cola or Walmart are good examples of such companies. Why do I pursue this strategy? Studies show that stocks that purchased back their own stocks over a long period significantly outperformed the stocks of those who forwarded no profits to shareholders. Stocks which additionally increased its stock buybacks on a regular basis also developed better than ordinary papers with stock buybacks. Current news and new ideas can also be found in my blog. Just take a look in my blog under: http://www.frasee-investors.com.
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