ETF-Werte des ICAX
Last Login: 02/20/2024
Portfolio chart
Trading Idea
The primary objective of the passively managed portfolio is to achieve a performance which represents the performance of the underlying Internet Content Index (ICAX) of the AKYA Arts & Services Ltd. For this purpose, an exact replica of the ICAX (price index) is sought by means of full replication. The index currently includes the stocks of the world’s 37 largest companies of the Internet Content Economy. Unfortunately, the possible extent of our investment pool is currently limited by the investment universe of wikifolio – as soon as this changes, our investment pool will naturally follow suit accordingly. The Internet Content Index (ICAX) represents the status and development of the global Internet business, i.e. the profit which is earned primarily directly via the Internet as a marketing and/or sales channel. Listed companies with this exact focus (no pure providers of Internet infrastructure or telecommunications) with a minimum market capitalization of 100 million euros or a corresponding foreign currency equivalent are summarized in it. Further information about the ICAX and its components is available under The financial securities are held in the portfolio as long as the issuer is listed in the ICAX. Payouts (dividends and other revenues) are reinvested and increase the assets of the portfolio. The investor typically suitable for this financial instrument has little experience with financial markets and would like to invest in the Internet content industry. They know that the shares of this portfolio are subject to market fluctuations which may, however, lead to the unit values falling below the buy price, the investor thus suffering capital losses. The investment horizon should be 3–5 years. Although the risk of investing is diversified in different titlesdue to the nature of the portfolio, some exemplary risks should be illustrated here and without claim of completeness: In the event of a negative performance of the underlying index, the investor is fully exposed to a corresponding risk of loss with their share. The manager of the portfolio will not restrict the value loss by means of hedging transactions (no active management). A temporary unavailability of certain securities on the market or other exceptional circumstances may lead to a deviation from the exact index performance. The index underlying the portfolio concentrates assets investments on a particular market segment. Thus, the assets of the portfolio exclusively depend on the development of this market segment rather than the overall market. The price or market performance of financial products depends in particular on the development of capital markets, which is in turn influenced by the general world economic situation and the economic and political conditions of the respective countries. Irrational factors such as sentiment, opinions and rumors may also have an effect on the general price performance, particularly at a stock exchange. Where assets of the portfolio are invested in currencies other than the respective portfolio currency, the assets of the portfolio will receive the income, repayments and proceeds from such investments in the respective currency. If the value of this currency falls relative to the portfolio currency, the value of the portfolio assets is reduced.
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