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Christian Ingerl

 | SmallCapGermany

Last Login: 03/17/2025


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since 1/26/2013

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Trading Idea

Investment strategy: Value & Growth; both investment styles may offer opportunities in the different market phases. Depending on the market situation, either a value or a growth style will be applied. Furthermore, I always keep an eye on special situations such as takeovers, special dividends, etc. Investment process: Attempt of continuous market monitoring and analysis of stocks, primarily from the German universe. In addition to stocks, buying an ETF is possible as well. ETFs are used in particular when opportunities open up in a particular country or region. Screening is generally carried out according to the following criteria: 1. Valuation of the stock 2. Momentum of the stock 3. Special situations such as takeovers, special dividends, actions by major shareholders or corporate actions 4. Upcoming index changes 5. Chart-technical special situations 6. Country analysis Holding period of a position: Positions can be taken on in the short to long term.

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