NorthCap dynamic strategy
| NorthCap
Last Login: 07/11/2024
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Trading Idea
The fundamental idea of the Northvision Capital dynamic strategy would be to test and apply a broad range of valuation techniques to identify stocks and ETFs, suitable for long-term surveillance and ownership. At the centre of the strategy would stand the practise of valuation by pursuing a dynamic fundamentals-based strategy. The investment idea would be subjected to a comprehensive asset analysis, based on which the investment grade of an asset, mainly in the equity spectrum, is determined. Hence, strict prior analyses and conclusions drawn from them, would govern the management of the wikifolio. Criteria, determining the suitability of investments, would include companies, which I believe to operate sustainably, have healthy financial data, a substantial competitive advantage, prevail in comparative analyses, possess a sustainable business model and positive performance indicators. These factors would be evaluated by using a range of valuation techniques, including a DCF model, technical analyses, SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis, industry comparisons, sentiment analysis, macroeconomic contextualization and multiples analyses, contributing to the final recommendation, determining the role of the asset in the wikifolio. Furthermore, ETFs would be included to decrease volatility and increase the exposure to broad markets, which could not be analysed by standard valuation techniques, which exceed the geographical scope of analysis and about which little information is easily available. The intended investment horizon of this wikifolio is long-term.
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