Portfolio chart
Trading Idea
This portfolio follows a satellite strategy. The core of the portfolio consists out of ETFs covering the main economic regions and marketplaces to get a broad exposure to the global economy. Core investments follow a passive investment approach with a long-term holding period. To compliment the portfolio and to better profit from changing market conditions or trends, additional stocks or topic specific ETFs will be chosen. Those active investments with variable holding periods function as satellites circling around the core portfolio. A ratio of 75% (Core), 20% (Satellite) and 5% Cash will be maintained. The goal of this portfolio is to achieve long term growth with a slightly increased market risk to achieve higher returns than a strictly passive portfolio. Pursued final portfolio distribution: 50% MSCI World 10% MSCI Emerging Markets (Excl. China) 8% MSCI China 3.59% X-TR Dax (5% incl. MSCI World) 3.5% MSCI India (5% incl. MSCI Emerging Markets) 20% Satelite investments 5% Cash
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