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| DeusExMachina
Letzter Login: 13.03.2025
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Portfolio Chart
Machine learning algorithms are used to apply sentiment analysis on stock related news and social media data. The goal is to identify and quantify rising expectations of investors towards popular, mostly bluechip companies. In an environment of extreme monetary expansion investor expectations and not fundamentals are the dominant factor when considering short to mid term price movements. The underlying strategy is to continuously capture short to mid term price gains in order to implement a diversified portfolio that remains successful in the long term. The M portfolio manages around 30 assets.
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Um das aktuelle Portfolio dieses wikifolios, den wikifolio Chart, alle Kennzahlen und bisherigen Trades zu sehen, registriere dich jetzt – völlig kostenlos.
Informationen zur Zusammensetzung des fiktiven Referenzportfolios findest du hier.