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Portfolio Chart
This portfolio contains undervalued stocks of companies, which operate in a solid business environment, have a strong earning power measured by their historic averages and show promising growth opportunities. The enterprise value is considered as more constant than prices, which are considered as more volatile in my investment approach. My stock picking decisions are made on the basis of quantitative (fundamental data) as well as on qualitative factors (such as estimated business development) and priced similar to coupon bonds. As market prices are likely to be irrational in the short run, the holding period of equity investments in this portfolio are long term. Even though I'm familiar with the modern portfolio theory, I believe that volatility isn't the main driver of portfolio risk and therefore waive on the use of the CAPM. Instead I believe that risk arises from the decisions and actions that companies make themselves and the consequential effect on their earnings.
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Informationen zur Zusammensetzung des fiktiven Referenzportfolios findest du hier.