| Invest2030
Letzter Login: 21.11.2024
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Portfolio Chart
The Isa2020 Wikifolio is typically set to cover a broad investment universe, with the ability to trade global companies and indices. We want to look for companies that I think are under- or overvalued, i. E. market capitalization is too high or too low for what I expect to be expected or the order situation, as well as profit and loss expectation. Then in my view there is the possibility to speculate on a possible price recovery with the purchase of stocks or long derivatives or with shorts and puts on a price decline. An attempt is made in volatile stock market times with short-term trades to respond to expected price fluctuations. Investment Universe: If possible, equities and leverage products of companies worldwide should be traded. An attempt should also be made to exploit rapid and large price movements with a large amount of leveraged derivatives. It should be traded mainly short term. High Risk should be actively managed, if possible, to respond quickly to trades on news and insider buying or selling to strong price movements and market movements. Whenever possible, I will use economic and stock market news as well as financial media and company figures (according to official publications) - online and print media as well as economic and stock exchange forums.
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Informationen zur Zusammensetzung des fiktiven Referenzportfolios findest du hier.