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Legacy Value Focus

Dan-Vasile Bucur

 | DanVB

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The Legacy Value Focus can include shares of companies which, in my opinion, have the potential to use additional capital at high returns and exhibit high predictability of future free cash flows. The investment universe generally focuses on firms with a demonstrated return on invested capital (ROIC) exceeding 10% for the last 10 years and market capitalizations exceeding USD 10 billion. I believe these constraints can make it more likely to identify firms capable of generating after-tax operating income that significantly exceeds their cost of capital. My investment decision-making often involves seeking out firms that, in my view, are experiencing temporary dislocations in fundamentals. This can create meaningful differences between my estimations of fair value and quoted market prices. As a result, the portfolio's weighting can be influenced by their respective margins of safety, as determined by my bottom-up analysis. For firm and industry-specific data, I primarily rely on S&P Global Market Intelligence and Multpl. Growth rate estimations should, as a rule, be conservative and aligned with economic data from the International Monetary Fund. I utilize data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis extensively, as prevailing interest rates are a key factor in equity pricing. My investment approach is geared towards long-term value growth. The selection criteria aim to identify well-established companies, resulting in a generally high retention rate within the wikifolio (long-term investment horizon). I intend to monitor appreciation opportunities within this investment universe on a monthly basis. Investment positions may be adjusted if the assessment of value changes or if a company is unable to achieve lasting competitive advantages. As a rule, such changes would lead to the exclusion of a company from the investment universe.

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