The 10 hottest stocks in CW 13/21
Last week, wikifolio traders bet on the hydrogen turnaround, a China special situation and the German vaccine shooting star.
13.400 EUR Sell
13.800 EUR Buy
-0.20 abs.
-1.4 % rel.
Last week, wikifolio traders bet on the hydrogen turnaround, a China special situation and the German vaccine shooting star.
Comments (8)
Tencent Music Entertainment (ADR)
Verlust - Verkauf
Trade 24.02.2022
Stück: 120
Gewichtung: 0,52 %
Verlust: 63,71 %
Tencent Music,
Technisches Kaufsignal 38 Tageslinie von unten nach oben durchbrochen.Chart
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