Hottest Stocks in CW 31/23
Here you can find out which shares in particular were frequently bought or sold last week and what the key reasons for these trading patterns were.
21.650 EUR Sell
21.830 EUR Buy
+0.20 abs.
+0.9 % rel.
Here you can find out which shares in particular were frequently bought or sold last week and what the key reasons for these trading patterns were.
Comments (6)
Neuer Rekord bei investiertem Kapital!
Next wikifolio Price-Target: 130€!
Danke an alle Investoren für die Geduld und das Vertrauen.
Aktuelle Allokation:
Neuposition in Flexible Asset Money
Kauf: US80810D1037 / 03.04.2024 13:38h / Kurs 23,550 / Stück 200 / Wert 4.710,000 / Gewichtung 0,21 %
Don't miss out on anything!