Hottest Stocks in CW 22/23
Here you can find out which shares in particular were frequently bought or sold last week and what the key reasons for these trading patterns were.
21.050 EUR Sell
21.090 EUR Buy
-0.01 abs.
0.0 % rel.
Here you can find out which shares in particular were frequently bought or sold last week and what the key reasons for these trading patterns were.
Comments (206)
MACD turning green, RSI in bullzone after testing the center line. Long and short term trends up after a golden cross.
Eine Aktie für das Trading. Für eine Langfristposition aus unserer Sicht eher ungeeignet.
Santa Rally bei GameStop ?! Ich setze darauf in meinen Tradinig wikifolios und gewichte Gamestop über.
Don't miss out on anything!