Hottest Stocks in CW 26/21
Whether it's profit taking, re-buying when prices are falling or the classic: the fear of missing out... here you can find out which stocks the wikifolio traders…
22.270 EUR Sell
22.420 EUR Buy
+0.06 abs.
+0.2 % rel.
Whether it's profit taking, re-buying when prices are falling or the classic: the fear of missing out... here you can find out which stocks the wikifolio traders…
Comments (100)
Bloom Energy sollte vom hohen Energiebedarf gut profitieren
Neuer Rekord bei investiertem Kapital!
Next wikifolio Price-Target: 130€!
Danke an alle Investoren für die Geduld und das Vertrauen.
Aktuelle Allokation:
Don't miss out on anything!