Hottest Stocks in CW 48/21
Whether it's profit taking, re-buying when prices are falling or the classic: the fear of missing out... here you can find out which stocks the wikifolio traders…
57.440 EUR Sell
57.450 EUR Buy
-0.28 abs.
-0.5 % rel.
Whether it's profit taking, re-buying when prices are falling or the classic: the fear of missing out... here you can find out which stocks the wikifolio traders…
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Biogas in France: TotalEnergies Starts Its 2nd Largest Unit in Normandy |
Trotz Gewinneinbruch: Totalenergies mit Aktienrückkäufen und Dividendenerhöhung • news • onvista
gute Zahlen, niedrige Bewertung, ich bleibe am Ball
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