Hottest Stocks in CW 48/24
Here you can find out which shares in particular were frequently bought or sold last week and what the key reasons for these trading patterns were.
54.160 EUR Sell
54.640 EUR Buy
+0.00 abs.
0.0 % rel.
Here you can find out which shares in particular were frequently bought or sold last week and what the key reasons for these trading patterns were.
Comments (109)
Arrondierung der zweiten Positions-Spitze.
Gute Zahlen in einem schwierigen Marktumfeld.
Netto-Cashflow aus dem Automobilgeschäft erreichte 3,7 Mrd. EUR und lag damit nahezu auf Rekordniveau.
Gleiches Spiel wie vor 2 Wochen. Wir verkaufen einige Porsche-Aktien, um dem negativen Barbestand im wikifolio entgegenzuwirken.
Don't miss out on anything!