Close / Open
3.680 / 3.870
High / Low (1 day)
3.950 / 3.680
High / Low (1 Year)
4.880 / 2.400
1 Week
-14.4 %
1 Month
-19.1 %
1 Year
+45.5 %
Selected Top-Trade
There are no top-trades for this security.
Popularity indicator
Share of wikifolios with this security in their portfolio
Trading sentiment
0 Trades
7 Days
0 Trades
1 Month
0 Trades
1 Year
8 Trades
Comments (2)
Verkauf! Gewinnmitnahme! Kurs 2,860 / Wert 11.154,000 / Performance +906,000 / +8,84 %
Neue Position
Kauf: CA4988241010 Kneat.com / 02.04.2024 14:04h / Kurs 2,580 / Stück 2.200 / Wert 5.676,000 / Gewichtung 0,05 %
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