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2018-04-25| From: Rene Kötting |

On the 13th and 14th of April, we once again pitched our tents - or rather our stand - in Stuttgart as part of the Invest trade fair. And for the third time in a row, we took this opportunity to invite our traders to the regulars' table in sunny temperatures and with cool beers. The brewery house Schönbuch offered us the necessary quaint atmosphere and, as a result, the mood was exuberant and good despite volatile markets. The upcoming "Invest" was the dominant topic. But other topics as well, such as SpaceX, Tesla or even the ubiquitous crypto currencies, were of course not to be missed in the talks.

This was INVEST 2018



wikifolio Traders Corner - our event within the event:

The next day, the largest private investor fair in the German-speaking world, the Invest, took place. Of course, we wouldn’t miss the opportunity to take part and inform visitors about the latest developments in social trading. As the highlight, visitors had the opportunity to meet our top traders directly at the booth. This time, eleven traders were there to present their trading ideas and answer the questions of the visitors. The “Traders Corner” began with Stefan Waldhauser (stwBoerse) followed by Tim Radermacher (smax1980) and Thomas Litschko (Yoggo). After the lunch break, Michael Flender (GoldeselTrading), a veteran of our platform, kicked off the afternoon. Walter Peters (riu) and Christian Scheid (Scheid) then followed. On the second day of the fair, Jens Jatho (JeJa) and Maximilian König (MKoenig) accompanied the guests through the day until Lukas Spang (Junolyst) gave the "event within the event" a worthy conclusion.